Installation Instructions (Single page progressive e-commerce app using VueJS)


Make sure you have Node version >= 8.0, NPM >= 5 and MongoDB

  • Download and unzip the file from codecanyon

  • navigate inside the directory

    cd arialshop

Start database

  • Start mongodb in a separate shell

Try-1: npm run database

Try-2: In Windows operating system we can start it by opening the following file

C:/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/3.2/bin/mongod.exe

Start development server

  • Open another terminal (command prompt)
  1. install the dependencies with npm
    npm i

  2. serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
    npm run dev

  • build for production with minification
    npm run prod

  • build client for production and view the bundle analyzer report
    npm run build --report

Deploy to Heroku

  1. Run command npm run prod

  2. Install mLab heroku addon

    heroku addons:create mongolab
  3. Upload everything inside dist directory to Heroku

  4. Run command npm i --production

  5. Check heroku logs heroku logs --tail for any error